Double action electronic valve .
Can be used for control of retracts or gear doors in a single unit. Plugs directly into RX.
Three position. OPEN A - CLOSED - OPEN B. Allow to despresurize the air system to avoid air leaks. Can be used as two independent units if no need that both valves open at same time.
End points easily programmable by a pushbutton. Status LED and manual mode operation, can be opened without electric power.
Up to 7bar /100psi
Small size: 34x20mm
Light weight: 32 gram (1 oz)
Voltage: 4 to 8.4V
Low current comsumption. <6mA inactive 80mA active
- Power ON the valve while keeping the button pressed
- Release the button. The LED will blink at 1 pulse/second. Set the radio to "Gear Up" position
- Press the button. The valve will store the current commad as "Gear Up".
- The led will blink twice at second. Set the radio at "Gear Down position"
- Press again the button to store the command.
Note: The valves manufactured from November 2014 (Green LED light) allow to programm the power up state. Normal power up state is both valves closed (System not presurized). In the case you need that the system be always presurized, clicking on the button during normal operation allow to change the "power on" state to presurize the system inmediately after power up.